Friday, June 14, 2024

Balancing Hormones Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide for Women

Hormonal balance is crucial for women’s health, affecting everything from mood and energy levels to weight and overall well-being. Hormonal imbalances can lead to a myriad of issues, including irregular menstrual cycles, fatigue, weight gain, and mood swings. Understanding how to maintain hormonal balance through natural methods can greatly enhance your quality of life. Additionally, incorporating targeted supplements like LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women can support and optimize your hormonal health.

Understanding Hormonal Imbalance

Causes of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various functions in the body, such as metabolism, mood, and reproductive health. Several factors can disrupt hormonal balance, including:

  1. Diet: High sugar, processed foods, and unhealthy fats can lead to hormonal imbalances.
  2. Stress: Chronic stress increases cortisol levels, which can interfere with other hormones.
  3. Lack of Sleep: Inadequate sleep disrupts the production of hormones like cortisol and melatonin.
  4. Environmental Toxins: Exposure to endocrine disruptors found in plastics, pesticides, and other chemicals can affect hormone levels.
  5. Aging: Natural hormonal changes occur with age, particularly during menopause.

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Common symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women include:

  • Irregular periods
  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings, anxiety, or depression
  • Low libido
  • Acne or other skin issues
  • Hair loss

Natural Ways to Balance Hormones

1. Eat a Balanced Diet

Diet plays a significant role in hormonal health. Here are some dietary tips to help balance your hormones:

  • Include Healthy Fats: Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, are essential for hormone production.
  • Consume Plenty of Fiber: Fiber helps regulate insulin levels and supports a healthy gut, which is crucial for hormone balance. Incorporate fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet.
  • Avoid Sugar and Refined Carbs: These can cause insulin spikes and disrupt hormonal balance.
  • Eat Protein with Every Meal: Protein supports the production of hormones involved in appetite control and metabolism.

2. Manage Stress

Chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, which disrupt hormonal balance. Effective stress management techniques include:

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity can reduce stress hormones like cortisol.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help lower stress levels and promote hormonal balance.
  • Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support hormone production and regulation.

3. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise helps maintain hormonal balance by reducing insulin levels and promoting the release of endorphins. Both aerobic exercises, such as walking or swimming, and strength training exercises are beneficial.

4. Limit Exposure to Toxins

Reduce exposure to endocrine disruptors by:

  • Using natural or organic cleaning and personal care products.
  • Avoiding plastic containers, especially for food storage. Opt for glass or stainless steel instead.
  • Eating organic produce to reduce pesticide exposure.

5. Support Gut Health

A healthy gut is essential for hormone regulation. Probiotics, found in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut, can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Additionally, eating a high-fiber diet supports gut health.

6. Herbal Supplements and Adaptogens

Certain herbs and adaptogens can help balance hormones naturally. Some of the most effective include:

  • Maca Root: Known for its ability to balance hormones and boost energy.
  • Ashwagandha: Helps reduce stress and support thyroid function.
  • Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry): Commonly used to balance female hormones and alleviate PMS symptoms.

Introducing LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women

While natural lifestyle changes can significantly improve hormonal health, supplements can provide additional support. LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women is specifically formulated to support women’s hormonal health.

Key Ingredients and Their Benefits

  1. Maca Root: This adaptogen helps balance hormones, improve energy levels, and enhance libido. It has been traditionally used to support reproductive health.
  2. Ashwagandha: Known for its stress-reducing properties, ashwagandha helps lower cortisol levels, which can improve overall hormonal balance.
  3. Black Cohosh: Often used to alleviate menopausal symptoms, black cohosh can help balance estrogen levels.
  4. Dong Quai: Known as the "female ginseng," dong quai supports menstrual health and helps balance estrogen levels.
  5. Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex): Vitex is effective in balancing progesterone levels, reducing PMS symptoms, and promoting regular menstrual cycles.
  6. Ginkgo Biloba: Enhances blood flow and has antioxidant properties, supporting overall hormonal health.

How LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women Can Help

LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women combines these powerful ingredients to provide comprehensive support for women experiencing hormonal imbalances. This supplement can help:

  • Regulate Menstrual Cycles: By balancing hormones like estrogen and progesterone, it promotes regular and healthy menstrual cycles.
  • Reduce PMS and Menopausal Symptoms: Ingredients like black cohosh and vitex can alleviate common symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, and irritability.
  • Boost Energy and Libido: Maca root and ashwagandha help improve energy levels and enhance sexual health.
  • Support Overall Well-being: The blend of herbs and adaptogens helps reduce stress, improve mood, and support overall hormonal balance.

How to Incorporate LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women

To get the most benefit from LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women, follow these tips:

  • Consistency is Key: Take the supplement daily as directed on the product label. Consistent use will yield the best results.
  • Pair with a Healthy Lifestyle: Combine the supplement with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and effective stress management techniques for optimal results.
  • Consult with a Healthcare Provider: Before starting any new supplement, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.


Balancing hormones naturally involves a holistic approach that includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, and avoiding toxins. Incorporating herbal supplements like LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women LiveGood Hormonal Balance for Women can provide additional support, helping to regulate menstrual cycles, reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause, boost energy, and improve overall well-being. By taking proactive steps to maintain hormonal balance, you can enhance your quality of life and achieve optimal health.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Navigating Health Issues in Relationships: Building Resilience and Understanding

Health issues can significantly impact relationships, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for growth. Whether it's dealing with a chronic illness, mental health struggles, or sudden health crises, couples need to navigate these issues with empathy, communication, and support. This blog post explores strategies for managing health issues in relationships, emphasizing the importance of resilience and understanding.

Real-Life Stories of Health Challenges in Relationships

Sarah and Tom: Living with Chronic Illness

Sarah was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at 35. Her condition affected her physically and emotionally, putting a strain on her relationship with her husband, Tom. The pain and fatigue from her illness made it difficult for her to participate in activities they once enjoyed together. Tom, feeling helpless and frustrated, struggled to understand Sarah's limitations. Their journey involved adapting to new routines, seeking support from a counselor, and learning to communicate more effectively.

Lisa and Mark: Coping with Mental Health Issues

Mark had been dealing with depression for several years, but it worsened after he lost his job. Lisa found it challenging to support Mark while managing her own stress. The strain on their relationship grew as Mark's depression deepened, and Lisa felt increasingly isolated. Through therapy and open conversations, they learned to set boundaries, find mutual support, and rebuild their connection.

Common Health Issues and Their Impact on Relationships

1. Chronic Illness


  • Physical limitations and lifestyle changes: Chronic illnesses can restrict physical activities and alter daily routines. Partners may need to adjust their lifestyle to accommodate these changes, which can be frustrating and challenging.
  • Emotional stress and strain: The constant management of symptoms and treatments can lead to emotional exhaustion for both partners. The affected individual might experience feelings of guilt or burden, while the other partner may feel helpless or overwhelmed.
  • Financial pressure: Medical expenses and the inability to work can create financial stress, adding another layer of complexity to the relationship.

2. Mental Health Issues


  • Communication difficulties: Mental health issues like depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder can affect how individuals communicate and relate to each other. Misunderstandings and miscommunications are common.
  • Emotional distance: The partner struggling with mental health may withdraw emotionally, leaving the other partner feeling isolated and unsupported.
  • Role changes: Mental health issues may require one partner to take on more responsibilities, which can lead to resentment and imbalance in the relationship.

3. Sudden Health Crises


  • Shock and adjustment: Sudden health crises, such as heart attacks or accidents, can be shocking and require immediate adjustments. The sudden change can be traumatic and difficult to manage.
  • Caregiving responsibilities: One partner may need to take on a caregiver role, which can be physically and emotionally demanding.
  • Uncertainty and fear: The unpredictability of health crises can create anxiety and fear about the future, impacting the stability of the relationship.

Strategies for Navigating Health Issues in Relationships

1. Open and Honest Communication


  • Fosters understanding and empathy: Sharing feelings and experiences openly helps both partners understand each other’s perspectives. It fosters empathy and strengthens the emotional connection.
  • Prevents misunderstandings: Regular communication helps clarify expectations and prevent misunderstandings that can lead to conflicts.
  • Builds trust: Honesty about challenges and fears builds trust, which is crucial for navigating difficult times together.


  • Set aside regular time to talk: Designate time for open discussions about feelings, concerns, and needs. This dedicated time helps both partners feel heard and supported.
  • Use “I” statements: Communicate personal feelings and experiences using “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory or critical.
  • Listen actively: Practice active listening by fully focusing on your partner’s words, acknowledging their feelings, and responding thoughtfully.

2. Seeking Professional Support


  • Provides expert guidance: Therapists and counselors offer professional guidance and tools to manage health issues and their impact on relationships.
  • Offers a safe space for expression: Therapy provides a neutral environment where both partners can express their feelings and work through conflicts.
  • Improves coping strategies: Professional support helps develop effective coping strategies for managing stress, communication issues, and emotional strain.


  • Consider couples therapy: Couples therapy can help address relationship-specific challenges and improve communication and understanding.
  • Join support groups: Support groups for specific health issues can provide valuable insights, shared experiences, and emotional support from others facing similar challenges.
  • Access individual therapy: Individual therapy for the affected partner can help them manage their health issues, while therapy for the supporting partner can address their own emotional needs.

3. Building a Support Network


  • Reduces isolation: A strong support network can reduce feelings of isolation and provide emotional and practical support.
  • Shares caregiving responsibilities: Involving family and friends can share the caregiving burden and provide respite for the primary caregiver.
  • Offers diverse perspectives: Support networks offer different perspectives and advice, helping couples navigate health issues more effectively.


  • Stay connected with family and friends: Maintain regular contact with family and friends to ensure a broad support network.
  • Delegate tasks: Don’t hesitate to ask for help with specific tasks or responsibilities. Delegating can relieve stress and provide much-needed assistance.
  • Engage in community activities: Participating in community activities or groups related to health issues can expand your support network and provide valuable resources.

4. Prioritizing Self-Care


  • Prevents burnout: Prioritizing self-care ensures that both partners can manage their own well-being and avoid burnout.
  • Enhances emotional resilience: Self-care activities like exercise, hobbies, and relaxation techniques enhance emotional resilience and coping abilities.
  • Maintains individual identity: Self-care helps maintain individual interests and identities, which is crucial for a balanced relationship.


  • Schedule regular self-care activities: Ensure both partners have time for activities that rejuvenate and relax them.
  • Encourage personal hobbies: Support each other in pursuing personal hobbies and interests that bring joy and fulfillment.
  • Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Incorporate mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation techniques into daily routines to manage stress and promote well-being.

5. Adapting and Being Flexible


  • Facilitates adjustments to new realities: Flexibility helps couples adapt to changes and new realities brought by health issues.
  • Promotes problem-solving: A flexible mindset encourages creative problem-solving and finding new ways to maintain a fulfilling relationship.
  • Enhances resilience: Adaptability enhances emotional resilience and the ability to navigate future challenges.


  • Stay open to change: Embrace change as a part of the journey and be willing to adjust plans and routines as needed.
  • Focus on what you can control: Concentrate on aspects of life that you can control and make positive changes where possible.
  • Celebrate small victories: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories and progress, reinforcing a positive and resilient mindset.

Navigating health issues in relationships requires empathy, communication, and mutual support. By implementing these strategies, couples can build resilience and understanding, fostering a stronger and more supportive partnership.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Healthy Habits for Those Over 50: Real Stories, Common Health Issues, and Effective Solutions

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As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact our health and well-being. While some people manage to maintain their vitality well into their later years, others face a range of health challenges. This article explores real-life stories of health deterioration, identifies common health issues and their root causes, and offers effective habits for those over 50 to improve their health and wellness.

Real Cases of Deteriorating Health

Case 1: John’s Struggle with Mobility and Joint Pain

John, a 55-year-old former athlete, once led an active and dynamic lifestyle. However, he began experiencing severe joint pain and mobility issues. Everyday tasks like walking and climbing stairs became painful, leading to weight gain and decreased quality of life. Despite his efforts, the lack of consistent physical activity and previous injuries exacerbated his condition, illustrating the challenges of managing joint health as we age.

Case 2: Susan’s Battle with Heart Disease

At 62, Susan was diagnosed with heart disease. In her younger years, she was relatively active, but poor dietary choices and a sedentary lifestyle caught up with her. The diagnosis was a shock, and reversing the damage proved difficult. Susan’s story highlights the importance of maintaining heart health through consistent exercise and a balanced diet, even as our lives become busier.

Case 3: Linda’s Cognitive Decline

Linda, at 68, started experiencing memory loss and cognitive decline. Once a vibrant individual with a sharp mind, she found it increasingly difficult to perform simple mental tasks. The cognitive decline affected her independence and emotional well-being, underscoring the significance of mental stimulation and a healthy lifestyle to preserve cognitive health.

Common Health Issues in People Over 50

1. Cardiovascular Disease


  • Poor diet: Diets high in saturated fats, salt, and sugar contribute to plaque buildup in arteries, leading to heart disease. These diets often lack essential nutrients needed for heart health.
  • Lack of physical activity: Physical inactivity can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and poor cardiovascular health. Exercise helps maintain a healthy heart and circulatory system.
  • Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: Smoking damages blood vessels and the heart, while excessive alcohol intake raises blood pressure and contributes to weight gain.
  • Genetic predisposition: A family history of heart disease can increase risk, but lifestyle choices play a significant role in managing this risk.

2. Joint Pain and Osteoarthritis


  • Wear and tear of cartilage: Over time, the cartilage cushioning joints wears down, leading to osteoarthritis. This condition causes pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.
  • Previous joint injuries: Past injuries can increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis by damaging cartilage and other joint structures.
  • Obesity: Excess weight places additional stress on weight-bearing joints, accelerating cartilage breakdown.
  • Genetic factors: A family history of joint issues can predispose individuals to similar problems.

3. Cognitive Decline


  • Reduced brain plasticity: Aging reduces the brain’s ability to form new neural connections, affecting memory, learning, and cognitive function.
  • Poor diet: Diets lacking essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins can impair brain function.
  • Lack of mental stimulation: Without regular mental challenges, the brain can lose its sharpness and agility.
  • Chronic stress and depression: Prolonged stress and depression negatively impact cognitive function and brain health.

4. Diabetes


  • Insulin resistance: Aging can lead to insulin resistance, increasing the risk of diabetes.
  • Obesity and poor diet: Excess weight and diets high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats contribute to diabetes.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of physical activity increases the risk of obesity and insulin resistance.
  • Genetic factors: Family history can increase the risk, but lifestyle changes can mitigate this risk.

5. Osteoporosis


  • Decreased bone density: Aging naturally reduces bone density, increasing fracture risk.
  • Lack of calcium and vitamin D: These nutrients are essential for strong bones.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: Weight-bearing exercises are crucial for maintaining bone density.
  • Hormonal changes: Postmenopausal women experience accelerated bone loss due to decreased estrogen levels.

Effective Health and Wellness Habits for People Over 50

1. Regular Physical Activity


  • Enhances cardiovascular health: Regular exercise strengthens the heart, improves circulation, and reduces heart disease risk.
  • Strengthens muscles and joints: Physical activity helps maintain muscle mass, joint flexibility, and reduces arthritis risk.
  • Boosts mood and mental clarity: Exercise releases endorphins, improving mood and reducing stress.
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight: Regular activity helps manage weight, reducing obesity-related health risks.


  • Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week: Activities like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming are effective.
  • Include strength training exercises at least twice a week: Use weights, resistance bands, or body-weight exercises.
  • Incorporate flexibility and balance exercises: Yoga or Tai Chi can improve flexibility, balance, and reduce fall risk.

2. Healthy Eating


  • Supports overall health and prevents chronic diseases: A balanced diet provides essential nutrients that support bodily functions and prevent conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
  • Promotes healthy weight and reduces joint strain: A healthy diet helps maintain weight, reducing joint stress.
  • Enhances cognitive function: Nutrient-rich foods support brain health and cognitive function.


  • Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats: These foods provide essential nutrients and promote overall health.
  • Limit intake of processed foods, sugars, and saturated fats: Opt for fresh, whole foods instead.
  • Stay hydrated and moderate alcohol consumption: Drink plenty of water and limit alcohol intake to reduce health risks.

3. Mental Stimulation


  • Keeps the brain active and engaged: Mental stimulation maintains cognitive function and prevents decline.
  • Reduces the risk of cognitive decline: Engaging in mentally challenging activities reduces the risk of conditions like dementia.
  • Improves memory and problem-solving skills: Regular mental exercises enhance memory, concentration, and problem-solving abilities.


  • Engage in activities that challenge your brain: Puzzles, reading, or learning a new skill can stimulate the brain.
  • Stay socially active: Joining clubs, volunteering, or spending time with friends and family provides mental stimulation and emotional support.
  • Consider mindfulness practices like meditation: Meditation improves focus, reduces stress, and enhances overall mental well-being.

4. Regular Health Check-Ups


  • Early detection and management of health issues: Regular check-ups can detect health problems early, allowing for timely treatment.
  • Personalized advice from healthcare professionals: Check-ups provide an opportunity to receive personalized advice on managing health.
  • Peace of mind and better health outcomes: Regular monitoring of health provides reassurance and helps maintain overall well-being.


  • Schedule annual check-ups and screenings: Regular screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and bone density are essential.
  • Discuss any changes in health or concerns with your doctor: Open communication ensures prompt attention to health changes.
  • Stay up to date with vaccinations and preventive care: Vaccinations and preventive care are crucial for maintaining health.

5. Adequate Sleep


  • Supports physical and mental health: Adequate sleep is essential for bodily repair, cognitive function, and emotional well-being.
  • Improves mood and energy levels: Quality sleep enhances mood and overall energy, reducing the risk of depression and fatigue.
  • Promotes a healthy immune system: Good sleep strengthens the immune system, helping to fend off illnesses.


  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night: Establish a regular sleep schedule to ensure adequate rest.
  • Create a restful sleep environment: Keep the bedroom cool, dark, and quiet to promote better sleep.
  • Limit screen time before bed: Reduce exposure to screens and blue light in the evening to improve sleep quality.

Adopting these healthy habits can significantly improve the quality of life for those over 50, helping to maintain vitality and well-being as they age. By focusing on regular physical activity, healthy eating, mental stimulation, regular health check-ups, and adequate sleep, individuals can navigate the challenges of aging with greater ease and enjoy a more vibrant, fulfilling life.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Incredible Benefits of Walking: How to Make It a Habit and Transform Your Life

Walking is one of the simplest, most accessible forms of exercise available. Despite its simplicity, walking offers an array of health benefits that can significantly enhance your overall well-being. From improving cardiovascular health to boosting mental clarity, walking is a versatile activity that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine. In this article, we'll explore the numerous benefits of walking and provide practical tips to help you make walking a daily habit.

Why Walking is So Beneficial

1. Physical Health Benefits

Cardiovascular Health: Walking is excellent for your heart. Regular walking can help lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease. A brisk walk increases your heart rate, strengthens the heart muscle, and enhances overall cardiovascular function.

Weight Management: Walking is a great way to burn calories and manage weight. Even a moderate-paced walk can help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity. It’s a low-impact activity that’s easy on the joints, making it suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Muscle Tone and Strength: Walking engages various muscle groups, including your legs, core, and arms. Regular walking helps tone these muscles and improve overall strength and endurance.

Bone Health: Weight-bearing exercises like walking are crucial for maintaining bone density. Walking regularly can help prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures, especially in older adults.

Improved Digestion: Walking aids in digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and reducing the risk of digestive disorders. A post-meal walk can help accelerate the digestion process and prevent bloating and constipation.

2. Mental Health Benefits

Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Walking has a calming effect on the mind. The rhythmic nature of walking, combined with the fresh air and natural surroundings, can reduce stress and anxiety levels. It’s a natural mood enhancer that stimulates the production of endorphins, the body's natural stress relievers.

Enhanced Creativity and Cognitive Function: Walking has been shown to improve creative thinking and cognitive function. It stimulates brain activity and increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance memory, focus, and problem-solving skills.

Improved Sleep: Regular physical activity, such as walking, can improve sleep quality and duration. Walking helps regulate your body’s internal clock and can lead to deeper, more restful sleep.

3. Social and Emotional Benefits

Social Interaction: Walking can be a social activity. Walking with friends, family, or a walking group can provide an opportunity for social interaction, which is essential for emotional well-being.

Sense of Accomplishment: Setting walking goals and achieving them can give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your self-esteem. Whether it's walking a certain number of steps each day or completing a walking event, these milestones can provide motivation and a sense of purpose.

How to Make Walking a Habit

1. Set Clear Goals

Start Small: Begin with manageable goals, such as walking for 10-15 minutes a day. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your walks as your fitness improves.

Use a Pedometer or Fitness Tracker: Monitoring your steps can be highly motivating. Aim for a daily step goal, such as the popular 10,000 steps per day. Fitness trackers can provide real-time feedback and help you stay on track.

2. Incorporate Walking into Your Daily Routine

Commute by Foot: If possible, walk to work or school. If the distance is too far, consider walking part of the way. For example, you can park further away from your destination or get off public transport a stop early.

Take Walking Breaks: During the day, take short walking breaks to stretch your legs and refresh your mind. A brief walk during lunch or between tasks can enhance productivity and reduce fatigue.

Walk Your Pets: If you have a dog, use this opportunity to walk regularly. Pets also benefit from the exercise, making it a win-win situation.

3. Make It Enjoyable

Choose Scenic Routes: Select walking paths that are visually appealing, such as parks, nature trails, or waterfronts. Beautiful scenery can make your walks more enjoyable and relaxing.

Listen to Music or Podcasts: Enhance your walking experience by listening to your favorite music, audiobooks, or podcasts. This can make the time pass quickly and make your walks more enjoyable.

Join a Walking Group: Walking with others can provide motivation and accountability. Look for local walking groups or clubs, or start one with friends and family.

4. Track Your Progress

Keep a Walking Journal: Record your walking activities, including the distance, duration, and how you felt. Tracking your progress can provide motivation and highlight improvements over time.

Celebrate Milestones: Reward yourself for reaching milestones, whether it’s a certain number of steps, distance covered, or consistent walking days. Celebrating achievements can keep you motivated and excited about walking.

5. Stay Motivated

Mix Up Your Routine: Vary your walking routes and add different types of walks to keep things interesting. Try brisk walks, leisurely strolls, or even interval walking where you alternate between fast and slow paces.

Set Challenges: Participate in walking challenges or events, such as charity walks or virtual step challenges. These events can provide a sense of community and purpose.

Stay Accountable: Share your walking goals and progress with friends, family, or on social media. Accountability can increase your commitment and inspire others to join you.

6. Prioritize Safety

Wear Comfortable Shoes: Invest in a good pair of walking shoes that provide support and comfort. Proper footwear can prevent injuries and make your walks more enjoyable.

Stay Hydrated: Drink water before, during, and after your walks to stay hydrated, especially in hot weather.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Walk in well-lit, safe areas, and be mindful of traffic and other hazards. If walking alone, let someone know your route and expected return time.


Walking is a simple, effective way to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health. By setting clear goals, incorporating walking into your daily routine, making it enjoyable, and staying motivated, you can make walking a habit that benefits your overall well-being. Whether you’re taking a leisurely stroll through a park or a brisk walk around your neighborhood, each step brings you closer to a healthier, happier life. So lace up your shoes, step outside, and start reaping the incredible benefits of walking today!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Meet the Visionaries Behind LiveGood

The leadership team at LiveGood is composed of individuals with extensive experience, passion, and dedication to both health and business success. Ben Glinsky, Ryan Goodkin, Lisa Goodkin, and Nauder Khazan bring unique expertise to the company, ensuring that LiveGood remains at the forefront of the wellness industry. Their combined efforts drive the mission to provide high-quality, affordable health products while empowering individuals through exceptional business opportunities. Together, they are transforming the landscape of network digital marketing and wellness, making it accessible and beneficial for all.

Ben Glinsky – CEO and Founder

Ben Glinsky is a seasoned entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in the nutritional supplement and network marketing industries. Throughout his career, he has launched and led several highly successful companies, helping hundreds of thousands of people generate additional income from home. His ventures have collectively paid out nearly $1 billion in commissions, earning widespread recognition and media coverage. Ben's success stems from his keen ability to recognize industry trends and his commitment to providing affordable, high-quality health products. He founded LiveGood to revolutionize the wellness industry, focusing on offering premium products at prices that align with current economic trends. Outside of his professional achievements, Ben is an avid soccer coach, snowboarder, mountain biker, and fisherman, and he cherishes spending quality time with his family.

Ryan Goodkin – Director of Product Development

Ryan Goodkin is an expert in natural health and pharmaceutical sciences, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to LiveGood. Holding a doctorate in pharmacy from Palm Beach Atlantic University and a degree in science and nutrition from Florida State University, Ryan has a comprehensive understanding of health and wellness. He meticulously formulates LiveGood's products, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality and efficacy. Ryan's approach to product development is rooted in his dedication to health and wellness, both professionally and personally. He creates products he trusts for his own family and clients, ensuring that every supplement supports optimal health. Ryan's passion for natural health solutions is a driving force behind LiveGood's product line, making high-quality wellness accessible to all.

Lisa Goodkin – Director of Product Education

Lisa Goodkin, with a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology and over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness field, plays a pivotal role in LiveGood. She is dedicated to educating individuals about the benefits of holistic health practices, encompassing nutrition, fitness, and stress management. Lisa's comprehensive approach to wellness is reflected in her own life, where she balances her professional responsibilities with a healthy, active lifestyle. Her expertise and passion for promoting optimal health make her an invaluable resource for LiveGood members. Lisa's commitment to education ensures that users are well-informed about how to achieve and maintain their health goals using LiveGood's products.

Nauder Khazan – Director of Field Development

Nauder Khazan is a renowned figure in the business and network marketing worlds. Since 1998, he has been a top leader, coach, and consultant, helping thousands of people achieve significant personal and professional success. Nauder’s extensive experience in the health and wellness industry, combined with his dedication to mentoring and supporting others, makes him a crucial asset to LiveGood. He is known for his heartfelt approach and humility, often dedicating time to ministry and aiding underprivileged families. Nauder’s leadership is characterized by his genuine passion for helping others, ensuring that every LiveGood distributor has the tools and support needed to succeed. His role in field development is critical to LiveGood's mission, fostering a supportive and thriving community of health enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.

Examining the Popular Wellness Trends and Products: Benefits, Risks, and Real-World Applications

The wellness industry is booming with new trends and products, each claiming to revolutionize our health. However, not all that glitters is gold. In this article, we will dive deep into some of the most popular wellness trends and products, examining their benefits, potential risks, and the science behind them to help you make informed choices.

1. The Rise of Adaptogens

Overview: Adaptogens are natural substances, often derived from plants and herbs, that are believed to help the body adapt to stress and maintain balance. Common adaptogens include ashwagandha, rhodiola, and holy basil.

Scientific Basis:

  • Stress Reduction: Adaptogens are thought to modulate the body's stress response, supporting the adrenal glands and reducing cortisol levels.
  • Immune Support: Some adaptogens may boost the immune system, enhancing the body's resilience to illness.
  • Mental Clarity: Certain adaptogens are linked to improved cognitive function and mental performance.

Potential Risks:

  • Limited Research: While some studies support the benefits of adaptogens, comprehensive clinical research is still lacking.
  • Dosage and Quality: The concentration and quality of adaptogen supplements can vary, making it essential to choose reputable brands and consult healthcare professionals for appropriate dosage.

2. The Keto Craze

Overview: The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet designed to shift the body's metabolism from glucose to ketones, derived from fat, for energy.

Scientific Basis:

  • Weight Loss: The keto diet can be effective for weight loss by promoting fat burning and reducing appetite.
  • Blood Sugar Control: It may improve insulin sensitivity and help manage type 2 diabetes.
  • Neurological Benefits: Originally developed to treat epilepsy, the keto diet may have neuroprotective effects and is being studied for its potential benefits in neurological disorders like Alzheimer's.

Potential Risks:

  • Nutrient Deficiency: The restrictive nature of the keto diet can lead to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
  • Keto Flu: Initial side effects such as headache, fatigue, and irritability as the body adjusts to ketosis.
  • Long-Term Health Effects: The long-term impact of sustained ketosis on cardiovascular health and overall well-being is still under investigation.

3. Mindfulness and Meditation Apps

Overview: Mindfulness and meditation apps like Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer are designed to help users practice meditation, reduce stress, and improve mental health.

Scientific Basis:

  • Stress Reduction: Regular meditation practice has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  • Improved Focus and Concentration: Mindfulness practices can enhance cognitive function and attention span.
  • Emotional Regulation: Meditation helps in managing emotions and can improve overall mood and mental well-being.

Potential Risks:

  • User Engagement: Effectiveness depends on consistent use and engagement with the app.
  • Quality of Guidance: The quality of meditation guidance can vary, and not all apps offer personalized support.

4. Collagen Supplements

Overview: Collagen supplements, available in powders, capsules, and beverages, claim to support skin health, joint function, and overall vitality.

Scientific Basis:

  • Skin Health: Some studies suggest that collagen supplements can improve skin elasticity and hydration, reducing wrinkles.
  • Joint Health: Collagen may support joint health by reducing inflammation and promoting cartilage repair.
  • Bone Health: Collagen supplements might help maintain bone density and strength.

Potential Risks:

  • Digestive Issues: Some users may experience digestive discomfort.
  • Allergic Reactions: Collagen sourced from animals may cause allergic reactions in some individuals.
  • Efficacy Variability: The body's ability to utilize supplemental collagen can vary based on individual digestive and metabolic factors.

5. Wearable Fitness Technology

Overview: Wearable fitness devices like Fitbit, Apple Watch, and Garmin track physical activity, heart rate, sleep patterns, and more.

Scientific Basis:

  • Activity Monitoring: These devices encourage increased physical activity by tracking steps, distance, and calories burned.
  • Heart Health: Monitoring heart rate can provide insights into cardiovascular health and help detect irregularities.
  • Sleep Tracking: Detailed sleep analysis can help improve sleep hygiene and overall rest quality.

Potential Risks:

  • Data Accuracy: The accuracy of the data provided by wearable devices can vary.
  • Privacy Concerns: Personal health data security and privacy can be a concern.
  • Over-Reliance: Some users may become overly reliant on their devices, potentially leading to anxiety or stress.

6. Probiotics and Gut Health

Overview: Probiotic supplements aim to improve gut health by introducing beneficial bacteria into the digestive system.

Scientific Basis:

  • Digestive Health: Probiotics can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria, aiding digestion and reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Immune Function: A healthy gut microbiome is linked to a stronger immune system.
  • Mental Health: Emerging research suggests a connection between gut health and mental health, including mood regulation and anxiety reduction.

Potential Risks:

  • Product Quality: The efficacy of probiotics can depend on the strains used and the viability of the bacteria at the time of consumption.
  • Side Effects: Some people may experience digestive discomfort, such as bloating or gas, when starting probiotics.
  • Individual Variability: The benefits of probiotics can vary widely among individuals, depending on their existing gut microbiome.


The wellness industry is full of trends and products that promise to enhance our health and well-being. While many of these innovations have scientific backing and can offer real benefits, it's crucial to approach them with a critical eye and informed perspective. Adaptogens, the ketogenic diet, mindfulness apps, collagen supplements, wearable fitness technology, and probiotics all have their merits, but they also come with potential risks and limitations.

To make the most of these wellness trends, consider consulting with healthcare professionals, doing thorough research, and listening to your body. Wellness is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. By staying informed and making thoughtful choices, you can navigate the ever-changing landscape of wellness trends and products and find what truly benefits your health and well-being.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Science Behind Current Health Fads

Health fads are pervasive in today's wellness landscape, often promising rapid results and tapping into the desires for quick fixes. However, it's essential to examine the scientific validity of these trends to understand their true impact on health. This article delves into the science behind some of the most popular health fads, separating fact from fiction and providing a clearer perspective on their benefits and potential drawbacks.

1. Intermittent Fasting

What It Is: Intermittent fasting (IF) involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. Common methods include the 16/8 method (16 hours of fasting and an 8-hour eating window) and the 5:2 method (eating normally for five days and significantly reducing calories for two days).

The Science:

  • Weight Loss: IF can help with weight loss by reducing calorie intake and boosting metabolism. Studies show it can be as effective as traditional calorie-restricted diets .
  • Metabolic Health: IF may improve insulin sensitivity, leading to better blood sugar control. It can also reduce levels of insulin and increase levels of norepinephrine, a hormone that helps burn fat .
  • Longevity and Disease Prevention: Some animal studies suggest that IF may extend lifespan and protect against diseases like cancer and Alzheimer's. However, more human research is needed to confirm these benefits .

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Nutrient Deficiency: Fasting periods may lead to inadequate nutrient intake if not managed properly.
  • Adherence Issues: Some people may find it challenging to stick to fasting schedules, leading to overeating during eating windows.

2. Ketogenic Diet

What It Is: The ketogenic (keto) diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that aims to induce a state of ketosis, where the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.

The Science:

  • Weight Loss: The keto diet can lead to significant weight loss, partly because it suppresses appetite and increases fat burning .
  • Improved Blood Sugar Control: Keto can help manage blood sugar levels and is particularly beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes .
  • Neurological Benefits: The keto diet was initially developed to treat epilepsy and may have neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting conditions like Alzheimer's disease .

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Nutrient Deficiency: The diet can be low in essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Keto Flu: Initial side effects, known as the "keto flu," can include fatigue, headache, and irritability as the body adapts to ketosis.
  • Long-Term Health: The long-term effects of the keto diet are still under research, and some studies suggest it may increase the risk of heart disease due to high saturated fat intake .

3. Plant-Based Diets

What It Is: Plant-based diets emphasize foods derived from plants, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds, while minimizing or eliminating animal products.

The Science:

  • Chronic Disease Prevention: Plant-based diets are associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and certain cancers .
  • Weight Management: These diets are typically lower in calories and high in fiber, promoting satiety and aiding in weight management .
  • Gut Health: The high fiber content supports a healthy gut microbiome, which is crucial for overall health .

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Nutrient Deficiency: Key nutrients like vitamin B12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids can be harder to obtain from a strictly plant-based diet, necessitating careful planning or supplementation .
  • Social and Practical Challenges: Adopting a plant-based diet can be challenging in social situations and may require more time and effort in meal planning and preparation.

4. Detox Diets

What It Is: Detox diets claim to cleanse the body of toxins through fasting, consuming specific foods, or drinking detox juices and teas.

The Science:

  • Liver and Kidney Function: The liver and kidneys are naturally efficient at detoxifying the body. There is limited scientific evidence to support the idea that detox diets enhance these processes .
  • Short-Term Benefits: Some detox diets may lead to quick weight loss due to severe calorie restriction, but this is usually temporary and can be unhealthy if prolonged .

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Nutrient Deficiency: Extreme detox diets can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients and energy.
  • Potential Harm: Some detox products can be harmful, containing ingredients that may cause adverse effects or interfere with medications .

5. CBD Products

What It Is: Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis, touted for its potential health benefits, including pain relief, anxiety reduction, and improved sleep.

The Science:

  • Pain and Inflammation: Some studies suggest that CBD can help reduce chronic pain and inflammation by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system.
  • Mental Health: CBD has shown promise in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression in both animal and human studies. 
  • Neurological Disorders: There is growing evidence that CBD may benefit neurological disorders such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Regulation and Quality: The CBD market is largely unregulated, leading to variability in product quality and concentration.
  • Side Effects: While generally considered safe, CBD can cause side effects such as fatigue, diarrhea, and changes in appetite and weight .
  • Drug Interactions: CBD can interact with certain medications, so it's important to consult with a healthcare provider before use.


While health fads can offer benefits, it's crucial to approach them with a critical eye and an understanding of the underlying science. Intermittent fasting, ketogenic diets, plant-based eating, detox diets, and CBD products each have their scientific merits and potential drawbacks. By staying informed and consulting healthcare professionals, you can make well-rounded decisions that align with your health goals and needs. Remember, the most effective health practices are those that are sustainable and tailored to your individual lifestyle.

Monday, June 3, 2024

How to Promote LiveGood the Right Way - with Key Points |Ben Glinsky LiveGood CEO

Hello everyone. Welcome to our first ever LiveGood live training call. We're gonna teach you how to recruit, how to build a team, and really how to maximize your income with LiveGood. I'm Ben Glinsky, founder and CEO. We've got my 2 of my 3 partners on with us, Doctor.

Ryan Goodkin, our Director of Product Development, as well as Nader Kazan, our director of network marketing who's also gonna share some stuff with you. Nader's got his notes ready. I have none. We're gonna see what comes out. Nader, if I go too hard stop me, jump in, tell me to be a little bit nicer.

Nader's the nice one, I'm the hardcore guy. So here we go. So guys, first of all, network marketing is not easy to build. I'm just gonna start with that and actually, I'm gonna take a step back and make that the second thing. The first thing is that I know if you guys are on this call today because we talk about there's 2 ways to build this thing.

There's 2 ways to make money in LiveGood. You could be a spillover waiter or a spillover creator. And I don't think we have any spillover waiters on this call because you wouldn't be learning how to build a team if you were just gonna wait for spillover. So I'm gonna talk to you guys like you're serious about going out there, getting after it, and enrolling some people, building a team, and and making more than just your matrix money and making matching bonuses and roller bonuses, fast start bonuses, and and a lot more, as the comp plan explains. So back to the original first thing.

So network marketing, guys, it's it's hard because you have to rely on other people to do things. And when things are out of your control, and I have this issue, you know, you can't you wanna lead by example, you wanna go out there and do what you expect other people to do, but not everyone's gonna do it. In fact, most are not, and it's just the nature of numbers. So I'm mean, I'll tell you a quick story, and I shared this on a conference call the other day. But, you know, when Nader and I were were when I was getting started in the industry, Nader had a little head start on me.

But, back in 1999, 2000 when long distance calling was a thing. And we'd have to pay, like, 10¢ a minute to call people long distance. So and and this is how we determined if people were actually working, if people were actually building their business because this is all a numbers game. We're gonna talk about that a lot today. The more people you make contact with, the more people you talk to, the more people you share with, the more people you connect with, the more people are gonna enroll, the more people are gonna duplicate, the bigger your team's gonna grow, and the more money you're gonna make.

It's all very simple. It starts with contacting people, talking to people. And so, you know, back in the day when we were using long distance, my phone bill was over $400 a month because I was literally and I was broke. Like like, it was ridiculous how much I had to spend. Then we got, oh, unlimited calling, which is cool.

And now everyone's got cell phones and that like, that's not even a thing anymore. And this was before, know, the Internet. We kinda had email, but, we had to just a quick side note. We had to take applications on paper. Yes.

Yes. And mail them into the company. And then it got really cool. We got to fax them into the company, which was yeah. That that was like a huge step when we got to go from mailing to faxing.

And then you could actually get your genealogy report by fax. I remember this coming ahead. $2 every time I wanted to get into genealogy to see if what I mailed into the company actually got there. It was crazy. So now all this is it's so much easier now but it's also easier for so many people.

I'm gonna talk about that as well. But the point is, you know, when people would tell us that they weren't having any luck, they weren't having any success, they weren't able to enroll anyone, they've talked to everyone. We would say, let me see your phone bill. Mhmm. That's what would happen.

Noted, does anyone ever show you their phone bill? Nope. The builders did. The you did. Well, I just complained that I was spending $400 a month.

You were. Yes. But when people any complainers, anyone who ever told you I'm not I'm talking to everybody. I'm not having success. And you say show me your phone bill.

Did you ever get one? Never. Not one. Exactly. Say it.

That's the point, guys. The more people you talk to, the more people are gonna enroll and the bigger you're gonna build. So it all starts with that. And I'm just gonna give you a few simple tips. I know Nader's got some notes he's gonna share with you as well.

But, guys, nowadays, it is so easy because you could copy and paste. You can literally make contact with probably 500 people in an, maybe not an hour, maybe a 100 people in an hour just on Facebook for free. You don't have okay. I'm gonna sorry if I'm jumping around. Again, I don't have notes.

I just wanna throw it out there and help you guys really understand that you can do this. And quite honestly, and and I totally, I'm gonna go hard. So I'm gonna tell you straight up. If you can't build live good, you're not gonna have success in anything in network marketing. Just and I don't say that to be rude.

I don't say that to bash any other company. But guys, there has never been an easier company to build than what we've got with LiveGood. $10 a month, one time $40 enrollment fee. You're gonna save money on the highest quality products on the planet. You've got a huge competitive advantage with the best those products that are more than half the cost, less than half the cost of everything else out there, even the lower quality stuff.

I mean, every it doesn't get any easier. And with our power line driven system, our calls are I mean, everything. It it it it all you have to do is get people to the system and it's gonna do the work, and and you're gonna get results. Thank you, Nader. One person's listening.

Okay. So, guys, here's what I suggest, And it's funny because my my 14 year old son just joined under Eric Johnson because he was watching Eric's videos, And he's been texting me from school all day because he he started he's like, what do I do? I'm like, dude, just Facebook message people and so here's what I told him to do and I'll continue that story. There are so many different groups, network marketing groups, different groups you talk about any of our products, groups about cardiovascular health, groups about sleep, groups about, inflammation. I mean, literally, you can find Facebook people interested in everything and they're a resilient it is unlimited.

In a 100 years, you will never even hit 10% of them. So you've got a huge opportunity. All you do and don't this is the thing with Facebook and with networkers and with groups. Everyone's pitching each other on everything all the time. It's just a constant cycle and it's ridiculous, and it doesn't work.

But and and if you join some of those network marketing groups, one of the things that you have to agree to is I'm not gonna post my opportunity. I'm not gonna pitch everyone, and you're not. So here's what you do. You personally message people or DM as you guys call it, people, and you say, hey. I see you're in network marketing.

hat are you building? And this is exactly what I'm teaching my son to do. He's messaged a 100 people and he's he's like, this guy said this. What do I say? And it's I I love it.

I love it. I love it. I love it. Yeah. He's been seeing me do it and and this is his decision.

I didn't tell him to get in. I didn't he just told me he wants to do it. So, it it's really cool. But, so you start with that. You know, I see your network marketing.

What are you building? They're gonna tell you they might even try to pitch you. In fact, he had one this morning. He's like, this lady is just trying to pitch me. What do I say?

And this is what you say, if they try to pitch you. And there's a lot of different scenarios and a lot of different responses that people could have. But let's start with this one. If people try to pitch you, say, yeah. I'm I'm in this company, a b c company.

We've got the best product on the planet and the best compensation plan. My upline's making a $100,000 a day and and all this stuff, and and you should check it out if you wanna see it. Boom. I mean, they're like, and it's it's all all you say is this, guys. Say, you know what?

That sounds awesome. Sounds like you're really excited about what you're doing. I'm totally focused over here. I just got started with my company. I'm just trying to fig just trying to learn some things, see if you have any tips or ideas that could help me build my team.

Just that's it. Just be very kind. Be very sincere. Be genuine. Ask them if they have any ideas.

You know what? Maybe they do. Maybe you're actually gonna learn something from them. Maybe they'll give you a good idea. Maybe they most more than likely, they don't know what they're doing.

Most people don't. Unfortunately, in the industry, it's just the the honest truth, which is why most people don't make any money. They don't know how to build. So the person is probably gonna say something like, well, we got the best system in the plan. We've got all this stuff.

And say, cool. How do you drive people to your website? Just ask them you ask them questions and then they're gonna watch this. K. Ask them questions.

Say, oh, cool. So how are you getting people to your site? Where are you you finding new prospects? You know, so I'm and you could say and this is what I taught my son. He's never done network marketing before.

He's almost 15. He's he said so I taught him. I was just say, look. I'm brand new in network marketing. I don't know what I'm doing, and there's nothing wrong with saying that.

You don't have to pretend to fake you make it stuff. You don't have to pretend that you're a top earner or a top recruiter or you've been in the company for a year and you're, you know, the highest rank on the planet. No. Just tell them, hey. I'm just getting started.

I'm just trying to figure out you know, just trying to learn some things. Just trying to, make some connections and and see if, anyone's got any great ideas to to help me build a little faster. And they'll be like, well, what are you doing? Right? They're always gonna say that.

Well, what are you doing? And then you could say, hey, I'm in a company called LiveGood. We've got awesome products for less than half the price of most companies. It's really easy to build. I'm having a lot of fun over here.

Again, just looking for ways, to to to find some more people, to to market and get people on my website. Anything is anything working for you? That's a great question. Is anything working for you? And always put it back on them.

Make them come back. Make them don't pitch. Let them ask the questions. I promise you guys. When you do that, you come off as much more strong and focused and committed.

And even if they say that that, you know, you're just brand new in the company, you know, you could say, look. I'm just getting started. I I plan to be at the top rank in the company within a year. I'm working really hard. I'm really excited about it.

There's nothing wrong with that. Just looking for some some good people to run with. And a lot of times, you're gonna flip them. You know, they came in hard pitching you on this opportunity. Came in hard just trying to throw it down your throat.

You were just very kind, very genuine, very patient, very sincere, very nice, and just ask them questions. Hey. You know what? Tell me what's working. Tell me how you're doing.

And then they start asking you questions, be like, yeah. You know? It's a great company. We got great products. And say, what kind of compensation plan is this?

You can there is nothing wrong with saying, I don't know. I'm just I'm brand new in the company. I don't even understand a lot of this stuff right now. I just see my power line building really fast. I see a lot of people joining and, and I love the products.

I love the products. This is a big one. I'm gonna have Ryan kinda talk about the products but Yes. Understand this. I love the products.

It is very hard to genuinely and sincerely tell people that you love the products, if you haven't even tried the products. So guys, be a product of the product. Be able to speak genuinely and sincerely about the products. You don't have to try all of them. You could even say I haven't tried all the products, but the ones I've used are amazing.

I love the super reds. I love the factor 4. The CBD oil is awesome. I love the coffee. I'm a huge coffee drinker.

I love coffee, if that's you. You know, whatever the the situation is. But being able to just be confident without having to know everything, without having to have all the answers, or without having to pretend that you're a top leader in the company and you're gonna help them and train them and build them. You know what? You can tell them, hey.

I wanna I'm just looking for some people who wanna run with me. I'm going to the top of the company within the 1st year. This is what I'm focused on. I'm just looking for people who wanna run with me, who who have good energy, who are excited, wanna build because this is really the easiest thing I've ever seen out there. And just talk to them.

Let them keep asking. And then when they say, well, do you have any more info? Say, yeah. Here. Go to my website. Go check it out. Watch that video and tell me if you like it. I'd love to hear your feedback. You know?

Just be nice and don't ever pitch. Don't pitch. Don't say don't pitch. And then you know what? You you can just let them respond.

You don't have to say, hey. Did you watch it? Did you watch it? Did you watch that video? You left the video?

Hey. Are you ready to sign up? No. You don't have to do that. Just let you give it to them, see what they say.

If they don't say anything, say I gotta run, like, give them a minute or 2. Say, alright. I gotta run. Hit me anytime. I'd love to hear your feedback.

Have a great day. Boom. Great talking to you. That's it, guys. You do that a 100 times a day, you are gonna explode your organization.

And, again, you could probably do that in an hour because not everyone is gonna respond. I mean, Bodie, my son, has has hit up, like, a 100 people, and I think, like, 6 or 7 of them have even hit him back. And a couple one of them was actually in LiveGood. He said, this guy said he's already in LiveGood. What should I say?

I'm like, tell him, awesome, man. Let's crush it. Get it. So that that was pretty funny too. You invite him on trainings.

Yeah. Alright. So I I've got a little more, but I'm gonna I'm gonna turn it over to Nader to see if he wants to add anything or or share some of his own thoughts. So, Nader, take it away. Hey.

Thank you, Ben. So ladies and gentlemen, just heard what he said. You know, you don't have to have all the answers. You don't have to know every level of the compensation plan. While you're worried about all that, while you're analyzing and getting ready to get ready to get ready, somebody's going after the people that you think would never be interested and live good.

Here's the fact. When you build relationship with strangers online, like Ben taught, one of the things that you wanna do remember, this is not costing you $250 a month on auto ship sitting in your pantry while you're trying these things that Ben and I know that will work. And it's funny. We don't have auto ships and people are ordering constantly. But unlike a lot of other companies that train you and tell you, oh, it's gonna work.

Keep doing it. Keep doing it. But in the back of their mind, that means keep buying $200 a month worth of stuff you don't need so it sits in your garage so you qualify. See, our agenda is truly help people to get healthy, and we know network marketing works. And then marketing works.

And Ben shared some awesome things with you. But what I don't want you to forget is I don't want you to not go after your friends. And just like Ben shared, let people ask you. See, we come from the field. It's not like our mommy and daddy gave us a $1,000,000,000 and we decided to launch companies.

We are distributors. We were broke. We sat in cars and shared a burrito on a car that he didn't have to pay payments on for a while because Mitsubishi had a promotion. Listening to Anthony Robbins walking back to the building, and this guy this guy had had folders. I'm talking those what do you call those things?

Binders. He would re he will call people one after another. Would never beg them. It was always, who do you know? It was always asking for help, humbling ourselves, not to be weak, but humbling yourself.

So as there are millions of people on social media like Ben shared with you that need what we have, I mean, they are being price gouged. If they're buying okay. I just checked. Here. I I I know you want me to do this quick.

CBD oil groups. I send all of you these notes. I just did a quick search this morning. 157,000 people that are probably paying a $100 a ball. 7,200, 1000, 9.1 1000, and this could go long enough to hard.

Coffee lovers, sleep disorder people, Here's the the key is this. The key is the way you believe. When you believe, it will pour out of you. When you believe, you're not gonna ask for somebody's opinion. Opinion shows that you're not you don't believe in what you're doing.

The way Ben taught you, it comes from strength. I am going to be on top of this company. I am new in this, and that's a very big thing. Yes. It's the honest truth, but you want people to you wanna stay in touch with people.

So 2 months from now, when you are at gold, you go back to that person that you build that small relationship with. Say, hey. I wanna thank you for the tips you gave me. I just wanna give you a little bit of report. Thanks to some of your tips and some of the other people that I met online that have a lot more experience, I just achieved gold.

By the way, I was looking at your profile, and I noticed, as you mentioned, your company also offers CBD oil. That's awesome. Never bad mouth other companies. You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar ladies and gentlemen. But all that being said, don't forget your loved ones.

Everything that Ben and I are sharing with you is for after or while you're sharing live good with your loved ones. You don't wanna go out there and look for groups. And meanwhile, you're old to somebody who pitched you on some magnesium 2 months ago or some $110 CBD oil a month before, and they sign up with somebody else in LiveGood. I mean, you just heard his his own son running across somebody while he's out there. We call it just casting the nets, looking for people who see our brilliance model, and he ran across somebody who's already in LiveGood.

And we're what? 5 weeks old, Ben? Ladies and gentlemen, we have 2,000,000 people in this deal. We will. I mean, look at the duplication factor.

When people get on our products, everybody that tells me I'm not gonna recruit anyone. Okay. I'll get 2 right away. I know my cousin and my aunt, so I get my $50 back. I become a bronze.

Congratulations. All that good stuff. But don't ask me to go talk to friends. Where can I buy leads? You wanna buy leads?

Why do you wanna buy leads? And then they get on our products, and I'm looking at them. 2 weeks later, they call me up. Hey, Nada. I just hit silver.

Did you find the lead source I had? No. I just got on the products and all of a sudden I remembered my friend who showed me a $100 CBD or we don't even have anything to compare with this, so forget that. So don't forget your friends, but use the same technique. The takeaway.

Be polite. Uncle John, it's me. Noted. You know, I just started a new business. You're one of the sharpest guys I know.

I'm gonna send you my video. Please take a look at the 5 minute video and let me know if you can help me out with some people who wanna run with this with me and or wanna get some products at unbelievable pricing. Ladies and gentlemen, people cannot unsee what we show them here. Our ad that people are using for the 1500 milligram of CBD oil for $36 retail, $26 wholesale is shaking up the industry, and that's just one of our 15 products. So use the same attitude, that politeness, ask for help.

Don't be shy to ask for help, but don't show weakness that you don't believe. You are involved in the future of home based business. Okay. I'm not supposed to say this. Amazon started with books, ladies and gentlemen.

We're starting with nutritional products. Built. Don't give up. And remember one thing that I started this conversation with. While you're building, while you're spending an hour a night on on groups building friendships, just planting seeds, somebody else is going after your loved ones.

So reach out to them as well. Ben, back to you. Oh, that was good. No. That was really good stuff, Nader.

And and one thing Nader said that I wanna really focus on is don't show weakness. And and that means, you know, a lot of people play this, I'll look at yours if you look at mine game, thinking that, you know or I'll join you if you join me. No. You be totally honest. I am totally focused on LiveGood right now.

I'm gonna give this a year. I'm gonna go to the top of the company. I believe that this is the company or, you know, 5 year you don't even have to say that. You know, I I I'm focused on LiveGood. This is what I'm doing.

I'm not looking at anything else. I don't wanna get distracted. I'm sure what you have is awesome, but I'm I'm totally focused over here. But if you have any ideas or tips or strategies that would that you think might help me, I'd love to hear them. That's what you gotta do.

And just be, I don't even want yes. A position of strength, but just a a belief a position of of belief. Because if you don't fully believe that this is the best company, the easiest company out there in the industry, quite honestly, you shouldn't be there. You should be in the company that you do believe is that or are those things. And that goes for any any company.

So that's it, guys. So, you know, that's how you recruit. That's how you find new prospects to talk to about your business. And keep in mind, like I talked about, you know, my $400 bill, I would call 200 people a day, and I'd sign up, know, maybe 1 or 2 or one every other day. It wasn't like I was signing up.

You know, you see some of these people on the leaderboard signing up 50, 60, 80, a 100, a 150, 200 people in a month much less. That I I didn't do that. You know, I'd I'd sign up, you know, I'd have some good months where I'd sign up 20, 25 people, and that's working my butt off literally 7 days a week on the phone all day every day. I didn't have a family. I didn't have any responsibility.

Fortunately, I had a corporate office where I met Nader, and I was able to use their long distance, so I didn't have to spend all all my questions. But, it, you know, it it's all a numbers game, guys. So don't I I don't wanna hear, you know, what do I do? Who do I talk to? I I've talked to everybody.

There's an unlimited supply of people to talk to. All you have to do is talk. And and by talk, I just mean connect, reach out, text, email, direct message, private message, Facebook message, all those things. Just message people and talk to them. Start a conversation.

And the again, the conversation isn't, hey. I just got started in this company. You wanna check it out? No. Or I just got started in this great company and we got the best products in the world, the best compensation plans, best power line systems.

It's really cool. We got 5,000 people a week signing up, and it's growing super fast. Wanna see it? That's not how you approach people. Yep.

You start a conversation, say, hey. I see you're interested in this. I see you're involved in this. How's it going for you? Awesome.

I just got started in a company as well. I'm just, looking for some see what they say. Most of the time, again, they don't. But they're gonna ask you, you know, what are you doing? Very, very easy.

And then show them that video. If they have questions, you always three way your upline, you could text, you could message. How do I respond? I mean, my my son literally has has messaged me probably 10 times this morning. What do I say to this guy?

What do I say to this guy? And that's there is nothing wrong with that, and I guarantee you that your upline or me, you could text me, you could text Nader. Anyone who's who's successful, you find them and say, hey. This guy said this. How do I respond?

What should I say? And we'll give you something to say. Like, I he's literally copying and pasting my responses. I'm like, did I say this? And he's learning.

And you're gonna and same thing. The more you do it, the more people you talk to, that you're gonna repeat conversations. You're gonna have the same conversation 100 of different times and you're gonna learn how to respond. So you're not gonna have to ask me or not or Tim or anyone else how to how to do it because you're gonna, you know, it it builds that belief. It builds that kind of and you're gonna see that it works, and it absolutely does.

But again, it's all a numbers game. So that's step 1. Step 1 is getting people in the door. And the great thing about LiveGood is the products. These products are products that people absolutely need need to be using every single day.

And at the prices that anyone can afford, it makes it very easy. In fact, it's really fun to buy these products. To put them in your shopping cart and have 4 or 5 products, and it's only $60. Yeah. I don't I didn't even get one product for bucks in my last question.

I thought that was 5. This is awesome. Right? And it really is. And and it gives you guys an opportunity to try a lot of products, use a lot of products, and really, once you figure out which ones you absolutely love, and for me, it's like almost all of them, then you get to use them every day, and you don't have to worry about spending, you know, 50¢ a day on this one, 12¢ a day on this one, 38¢ a day on on that one.

It just, you know, maybe it adds up to 2 or $3 a day. And and, guys, that's amazing. You don't see that a lot. You know, Ryan's wife, Lisa, was spending $400 a month on supplements that now, you know, it costs her about a $100 in as member prices at LiveGood. So the great thing is once you get people in and once they try these products, they're gonna be in this company forever, for a very long time because it just makes sense.

And as Nader kinda hinted, supplements are just the beginning. Guys, with this business model, we could literally do anything. And when you guys That's right. That's right. That's right.

And that's just I mean, we don't wanna overwhelm you guys with what could happen, but just think about that. Amazon started with books. We're starting with supplements. Literally anything could fit into this model. So that's step 1 is is get people on the products, get it and and once they start buying the products, they're gonna fall in love with the products.

There's it's just hard not to. I mean, the products work. We've got a 90 day full money back guarantee. It it I mean okay. You You know how many products come back to us with that full 90 day empty bottle guarantee?

I think we've had like 4 bottles Right. Come back. So, like, nobody returns them because first of all, it it's it's very cheap. Anyone will will will try something for it when they can afford it. And when they believe that they're getting a good value, you know, they believe in it.

And and when people when they actually use it and get results with the products and understand that these ingredients are the top highest quality ever, they're gonna be using them. So okay. So let's continue. So that's step 1 is getting people in the door. Getting them to to sign up and to buy products and become an affiliate.

The next step is duplication. Right? And this is where a lot of people struggle. And and it but this is where, you know, it could go either way. You know, you see people like Christopher Hopkins who has signed up, I think, 15 or 16 people 16.

Who already hit platinum. And he's got, you know, this is his, like he's got a full time job and 2 part time jobs. The guy works 3 jobs and hit platinum in a month by enrolling 15 people because a few of those people went to work, enroll people who went to work, enrolled people went to work. He's got one leg that's down to China already. Like, it's really, really, and figuratively.

It's probably like 30, 40 levels deep, and there's people in the same. So, you know, duplication is is key. And it's just sometimes it's you know, if you get someone in your organization that wants to be a spillover waiter, that's awesome. That's fine. Don't push them.

Have them buy the products. Get excited about the products. Let them continue and and and wait for spillover. Maybe make a few bucks as their their, matrix fills. And as it can as more and more people join the company, the only place for them to go is under the ones who are already in there.

You're gonna get a lot of those and that's totally okay. Then you get people that are gonna enroll a few people. They're gonna talk you know, as Nader said, they're gonna talk to their friends, family, relatives. Sign up a few people. And let me tell you a quick story.

I have never in any of my network marketing companies ever, None that I've owned, none that I've built, none that I've consulted with. I have never ever ever signed up a single one of my friends, family, relatives, or someone I knew. It was just Likewise. Likewise. It was weird and awkward and just didn't feel it was just weird.

And that is why and, you know, I teach people to do that, and that was kind of hypocritical quite on in full honesty. In LiveGood, literally, I've signed up probably 10, 15 of my friends and family without even pitching them. They're asking me, you know, what have I been up to? I you know, I'm I'm in a a network marketing company. You know, all these products that we've been selling for years, they cost $10 to make, and we've been selling them for 60, 80, a 100.

It's crazy. So now we're making the highest quality products on the planet, selling them for, like, 18. Oh, what kind of products? We got CBD oil. We've got an awesome anti inflammatory product, factor 4, an awesome heart cardiovascular product called Super Eds.

I take it every day. Like, oh, I need that. How can I get and it it is crazy? My you know, parents of of my kids, we meet with them. Probably 6 of them have signed up.

My friend Matt, my friend Joe. It it it's really cool, and it it and I don't they go to the website, they buy products, and they live you know, our factory is here. Our our warehouse is is here in Jupiter. They live in Jupiter. They're paying for the shipping and everything and, and getting it shipped to their house.

And it really you know, when you understand that when you truly believe that what you have is is legit, it's very easy to Yes. So back to building and duplicating. Most of the people you get in the in the business are not gonna build or maybe they'll sign up the average 2 to 2 point what is it? 2.3, 2.8 people. And this company is probably a little bit higher.

In fact, I mean, it's it's crazy. Yeah. It's way higher. You know, we've got higher. 1500 bronzes out of 10,000 people.

That's a very high ratio. And a lot of those bronzes have signed up 3, 4, 5 people and are almost at silver. A lot of those bronzes have already signed up 10, and they're just a few people away from the 20 required to to get silver. Twenty total members in your organization. So you just encourage people.

Just help them. Say, hey. If there's anything I could do to help you, watch this training call. This training call that's recorded is gonna be on YouTube. You tell them, watch this training call, give you some great ideas how to build, how to contact people.

Boom. They either do it or they don't. You know, not everyone is gonna do it. People have to be self motivated. And, you know, to to to and that's why, you know, Nader knows.

I I was probably the hardest worker that that he ever met. I was Yes. 20 years old, broke as anything. I filed bankruptcy 2 years later because that it still didn't work for me. And, but I I dude, I worked my butt off and I believed.

And I I knew that I could outwork anybody. And Yeah. That's all it takes, guys. If you have an hour a day, 2 hours a day, 3 hours a day, whatever, use it to contact people. Don't use it trying to learn every ingredient and every product or exactly how the compensation plan pays if someone's on my 20 9th level and there's 3 platinums in between them.

Guys, don't waste your time with that. I don't care if it's 2 AM in the morning. People are online. Or even if they're not, you can message them, and they'll see it when they wake up. Whenever you have time, put an hour a day, make 50 or a 100 contacts, and I guarantee you, you will have success.

You will enroll people in this company. So as far as duplication, guys, that's a weird thing in network marketing. You know, people talk about it, how to create it. From my experience, there's no perfect way to do that. You show people that it's easy.

You lead by example. And I think that's probably the biggest lead by example. Don't tell people to do things that you're not gonna do yourself, especially when it comes to recruiting. You know, if you're if if they see you're not doing anything, they're gonna you know, the the speed this is a good quote. The speed of the leader is the speed of the or the how does it go?

You know, the thing. The the the speed of the team is this man. Fear of the leader is the speed of the pack. There you go. There you go.

I see what I mean. We complete each other. There yes. Thank you, Nader. We are, dude.

Nader, I I think we're an awesome team, and Ryan is, learning some stuff here too. I'm gonna have him talk about the products here in a sec, but, oh, man, we've been talking for 32 minutes. Okay. So that's it, guys. That that's really, really it.

ust, you know, enroll people, encourage them, but don't ignore them. Once they sign up, don't ignore them. Say, hey, have you tried the products yet? Which products have you ordered? Have you talked to people?

If you're on a so there's 2 ways to build it. Do you, do you wanna build and enroll people and build the fast way or wait for a spiller to build the slow way? And it's okay whatever they say. But if they say the fast way, then you could tell them, okay. Awesome.

Watch this training video this training video and, it gives you some great ideas. And you know what? My son but, like, there's so much training on network marketing on YouTube. If you guys are serious about building your business, there is an unlimited amount of information and training and resources and ideas and strategies that you can find out there on YouTube for free. And like Shauna said, you know, I see a few people spending money buying leads and, it just it it it kills me.

It's like, dude, you don't need to do that. And these I'm seeing preenrollees come in as people have a 120, 150 preenrollees and 0 sign ups because they didn't. They're not people. They're not real contacts. They're just spam or whatever.

So don't do that. Do just work. It just takes work. And quite honestly, you know, because I do hear from a few people. I don't have time.

I just have money. I just wanna buy leads and and let it build by itself. It doesn't work in network marketing. And I'm gonna say one more thing. That doesn't work in network marketing.

You have to build. And if you don't have time to build, you don't have an hour a day, few hours a week to put into building your business, still don't waste your money on leads. It's not gonna build by itself without that personal contact. It's just not. Just you could be a spillover waiter, you can enjoy the products, but network marketing is not for you if you don't have the time to put in to make it work.

And last but not least, what was I gonna close with? It's in my head a second ago. What do you got, Nader? What are you thinking about that? Can I add something, please?

Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, remember when Ben was doing all those calls, 400 I've I've seen it as high as 480, I think, for his phone bills, living in the parking lot literally. He was on some kind of an autoship or some kind of a membership fee that was also a burden. Here, while you're out there putting in 20 minutes a night, 30 minutes a night into a live good business after you're done with your warm market, with the people that you know, it's not costing you $300 a month filling up your pantry. You pay 9.95 a month.

And even if you're just buying the CBD oil, saving you $60 a month for the CBD oil. So it's not like you're spending money, and that's why we don't like the lead model. We want you to make money, not to spend money. Yes. It's a business.

You do wanna put back in, but you wanna put back in like Ben said, go on YouTube and get trained. Treat it like a business. And here's another thing. When you're on YouTube watching these MLM trainings, guess who's commenting on those videos? Other MLMers that you can build a relationship and slowly start communicating with like Ben started this conversation with.

With that, back to you Ben. Awesome. Still hasn't come back to me. So I'm gonna bring Ryan on just to talk for 1 minute about the quality of the products and why everyone should be on these products even if they just got in the company for the business side of it. Go.

Yeah. Guys, thank you for that. I learned a lot just listening to you guys these last 30 minutes or so. And it's interesting. You know, Ben, I get a lot of questions about where to start.

You say, well, be product of the product, and a lot of people just don't know where to start. Ben, you're right. People need these things. Right? So if you look at the daily essentials pack, it's only 3 items.

But I would take it a step further. I'd say, well, really go for the ultimate wellness pack. It's about $3.33 a day. Right? And that's a that's a small investment in your health.

And you're we're talking about the business. I love that you're not you're not encouraging push tactics. That's huge. Now I'm gonna take that a step further with the settlement side because when you start to invest in your health, right, you're gonna get a return on investment in that. If you think that being healthy is expensive, really wait wait till you see what it's like to be sick.

The system's not gonna continue to support you. It's an unsustainable model in our country, guys. I mean, out of pocket maximums are increasing, deductibles are increasing, you know. So it's pretty clear to me that we have to start investing in our health. Now one thing, when you start talking to friends, family, affiliates, colleagues, anybody you're doing, I agree, Ben.

Don't be pushy. Don't say, hey. You've gotta try this magnesium for sleep. Open up a conversation. You know?

Say like, hey. You know, I've kind of been trying to figure out ways to improve my sleep. Like, what do you do? Are you do you focus on your sleep in any way? Like, what works for you?

And so these things ultimately could get back to the conversation of, you know what? Magnesium. Magnesium's been really, really impactful for me. I've really been loving this magnesium supplement. It helps so much in my sleep.

And so that you can kinda start conversations around the health aspect of things and try to learn. Learn from people. Learn from what what they what they do that works. How are they socializing? How are they getting out and interacting with people?

So, anyway, I think that's a a a really great way to look at it. For the people that have I get a lot of questions, where should I start? Daily essentials, of course. But the ultimate wellness pack is where you're gonna get the most benefit and most value. Right?

I think that's, really important. Ben, I don't wanna take too much time talking about products you've gone over, and this this meeting is really focused on, I think, sales tactics. And, guys, thank you. It's been a master class. Back to you, Ben.

Awesome. Thanks so much, Ryan. Yeah, guys. You know I don't have to say anything more. Products are amazing.

I use them every single day. I'm a product of the product. Ryan's a product of the product. Nader's a product of the product. But I did remember the last thing I wanted to say and this is this.

You know, the way network marketing works, 95% of people don't make money. I would love to tell you that it's gonna be different here in LiveGood, and it probably will be slightly higher as far as people making a little bit of money. You're gonna save more money because of the way that this model works. You're gonna and and as we like to say, a penny saved is a penny earned. When you're saving 50, 60, 70, $500 on products every month, that's a win.

But I just want to manage expectations and put this out there because, you know, I always encourage people, and this is totally probably anti what most network marketing owners and leaders will tell you in the industry. But you've gotta have an income stream outside of network marketing. Don't rely on this to to be the only extra income stream you have. Focus on something else. Find something whether it's real estate, whether it's crypto trading, whether it's whatever it may be, but do it something right.

But the point is, guys, build this company. Everyone you enroll, you're gonna make $25 on if they come in as an affiliate and a member. It's a great side income, a great side hustle. If you get a lot of duplication in your organization, you very realistically could be making several $1,000 a month. We've already got people making 1,000 of dollars a week in this company.

So it's very real. It's very possible. But just the statistics show, you know, network marketing is network marketing. And this is still a network marketing company even though we're doing things completely different and revolutionizing how things have ever been done because the traditional model is broken, but the numbers are the numbers are the numbers. And I again, everything is a numbers game.

You go out there, you work the numbers, you're gonna get people enrolled in your business. The more people you enroll in your business, the more duplication you're gonna have. The more duplication you're gonna have, the bigger your team goes. The bigger your team goes and grows, the more money you're gonna make and and and that's how it goes. And the cool other thing is is the residual income here actually is gonna be much bigger than almost anything else out there and much bigger even Longer.

Importantly than that, much longer because people are getting value. For $10 a month, every purchase they make, they're saving way more than that. So be a product to the product. Take advantage of the membership. That is the the the focus.

That's the backbone of the company is these amazing products, and go out there and share it, guys. Have fun doing it. We've got an awesome team, an awesome, just whole vibe and energy, and everything that we're doing just feels good. And so it's really good. You know, I don't know how I'll tell my story in another another call, but, you know, it feels good to be back in the industry and doing things right and and genuinely helping people.

So go out there, make connections, help people. And remember, the more people you're talking to, the more you're helping. People need these products. The health level in this country, in this world is just going down and down and down and getting worse and worse every single year as we wanna bring it back up. And I I promise you these products will help people do that.

So that's all I got. Thank you guys for joining us. Thank you so much, Nader, for your awesome input. Ryan, thanks for being there and talking about the products. You guys rock.

Send people to this call if you want them to duplicate and we'll see you guys at the top. Thank you, Ben. Thank you, everyone. I'm on the cell if you need me.

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